My husband and I can spend a whole evening together reading...he, his political or warfare (paper) books and I, my mystery romance books (on a Kindle -first generation!!-!!)!! He doesn't have nearly as much time as I do for pleasure reading and it is hard for him to just go to the library to pick out random books to read, but when he has a good book we can sit together for long periods of time reading!!!
My Kindle looks just like this! I won't complain was given to me!!! =)

My kids get to go to the library every Wednesday as it is on the way (to or from) piano lessons!!! We didn't go for two weeks because of Christmas break and being out of town, then everyone has been sick!!!
My oldest son was going into library withdrawals!!! Poor kid!!
Never mind that he has a built-in bookshelf in his room that is jammed packed with books! Well, he has read every single one of them, but still, you'd think he could re-read one once in a while in a pinch!! All of our kids love to read!! Time at the library is of utmost importance to them!
I love that they love to read!!! As a home-schooling mom one of my biggest challenges was teaching them to read. But not just comprehend and love to read also!! I think that has been a success!!!
As my husband was growing up he had a few favorite teachers. One of them gave him a Louis L'Amour book...he was hooked!!! (He should have been a cowboy!!) As a young boy, he would spend his money on Louis L'Amour books!!! He has read every one of them he can get his hands on and he has quite the collection of the little paperback books that he re-reads whenever he is in a pinch for a book!!!
Somewhere in the stories the Louis L'Amour so artfully tells there is something about a man looking only for a woman that can make "bear sign". I've never read this story, and I have read my fair share of them! But my Army Man says that "bear sign" is a type of doughnut!
So while we were in our little cabin "roughing it", he made "bear sign"!!! I must say, they were delicious and super easy to make!!!
I can't think of too much that I like to look at more than my Army Man cooking something!!!!
He is a keeper!!!
My job was to press the biscuit dough down and make a hole in the center....this sounds easy, but you have to work quickly. The dough fries up very fast and has to be put in powdered sugar right away.
Tough job, but someone has to do it!!!
These are, apparently, "Bear Sign"....I just call them yummy!!!!
Just look at all of that powdered sugary goodness!!!! Yes, they were delicious!!!
It is also something we do maybe once a year!!!!
Possibly kids don't ever remember having them!!!
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