Just kidding!!
This is an inside joke in my family. If you are not on the inside, you can figure out. We are easy. Just watch the Disney movie "Up"!! =) OR...you can watch some clips here>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxYYPziLdR4
We use many movie references in our daily conversations. Random. I know.
There is so much going on that I really feel like I am not keeping up!!!
I'll start and go backwards from there!!!
On Tuesday (18 Feb 14) I got to escort my mom and dad to a Celtic Woman concert at the Montgomery (Alabama) Fine Arts Theater.
What to wear to a concert?!?!?!!?
Tuesday morning (the day of the concert!!)(believe me, it was not for lack of trying!!) I finally found some dress pants that I could live with. It is difficult for this "fluffy" "farm" girl to find dressy clothes that are not ridiculous!! I would have much preferred to wear blue jeans, but, you know, fine arts and all that!!
The 3 tickets were a Christmas gift from my brother to my parents and he was supposed to go with them, but realized he didn't really want to go. He called me before Christmas and asked me if I would go with them instead. (Are you kidding me?!?!? YES!!!!)
My daddy cannot walk very far without a great deal of pain. He is also a very large man. So basically, I was going to push the wheelchair for my dad because my mom would not have been able to do that!!!
I am sure glad I was able to go!!! The concert was AMAZING!!! And bonus! I got to spend a delightful evening with my parents!!!! =)
The bagpipes were my very favorite! Such an incredible instrument!!!
You can listen to them here>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsCp5LG_zNE
Friday through Monday (Feb 14th -17th)....I spent the entire weekend with my husband!!!
Let me clarify.
We spent the entire weekend WORKING!!!!
Not relaxing... =/
My husband bought a '91 Jeep Wrangler last year. Yes. It is a "Jeep Project". He bought it from a NASCAR fan...I may have mentioned this before. Anyway, the Jeep was painted red AND black and covered with lots of decals. =( We have been working off and on since he bought it to remove the decals and goo that is holding on for dear life!!!!
We finally resorted to some kind of spray on adhesive remover (that worked ok) and a stainless steel scrubby!!!!! It was back breaking work.
We got it all off and my Army Man rattle canned the Jeep all black!!!
It looks so much better. All the effort it took to get it ready was worth it to see the satisfaction and joy on his face!!! The whole family helped and we all took a ride with the top off!!! The kids loved it!!!
So this is what we started with.....
And this is what we have now!!!!
Awesomeness!!!! =)Monday afternoon, after the Jeep was completely painted and all the parts put back on it (except for the top. It is still off today!!) we began the process of enlarging our chicken yard. After the recent death/killing of one our best hens we decided to enlarge their yard for safety. Especially since we do not really know how or when it happened. Our girls (and boy) love to free range so this will be a change for them. My Army man had me on my knees hammering U-nails into the fence posts. He had to pull the fence while I nailed. That's right this girl was doing farm work!!! I wish I had pictures to prove that I am trying at least to be "farm-y".... I only hit my thumb twice!!! =) I still have to go out there are put chicken wire along the bottom of the fence, but it is functional and the chickens don't seem to mind too much!!!
We are about to embark on a new adventure.....
No. We are not having more children!
No. We are not moving away...
No. We are not starting a business.
We are going to fence a pasture and purchase cows to raise for meat!!!
WE are going to F.E.N.C.E. a pasture on our property and purchase cows!!
We are going to purchase C.O.W.S. to put on our property!!!!!!!!!
We are about to fence our property for cows!!!!
This is such a huge step for us!!! We have no idea how to raise beef cows. We just know we prefer to eat beef that has been grass raised and we prefer to know where our cows have been and what they have been eating.
I (self-proclaimed "not" farm-girl) (see this blog>>> http://www.zubadeewopshoppe.com/2013/10/farm-girl.html ) will be helping with the fencing and keeping of COWS!!! WOW!!! (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
Army Man has been looking in to Holstein (sp??) bulls. They are very cheap. They don't produce milk for the dairy farms, but we can raise them to be meat cows. It wont be the same as an Angus or Longhorn, but beef is beef !! =)
So, wish us luck as we start this new adventure!!! One day (I am sure) I will be an official farm-girl. Until then I'll just fake it!!!! =)