Day 29: God’s Word
Today I am thankful for the
BIBLE!!! I have started my chronological Bible reading plan!!! It’s pretty cool
and exciting! I am a bit of a slacker when it comes to setting a time aside for
reading the Bible so it usually does not get done. I am determined to stick to
it this time. I need it. I have been
wanting to do a chronological reading for a while, and my church handed out
these little schedule thingys which make doing it much easier!!!
I came across a verse today that
struck me as important. Possibly life changing. I know all the verses are
important, but this one is sticking in my brain today!! Genesis
6:9 >> These are the
generations of Noah: Noah was a just {lawful,
righteous} man and perfect {entire, integrity, truth, without blemish,
complete, full, perfect, sincerely, sound, without spot undefiled, upright,
whole} in his generations, and Noah
walked with God.
WOW. Noah was someone to take
notice of!! No wonder God allowed him to be the one that would build the ark
that would save some people (and animals) alive after God flooded the earth!!
But here are my thoughts…..
- Am I a just woman??
- Am I perfect…or at least striving to be??
- Do I walk with God???
I think I see some things that
need some work here!!!!
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